Make a Contribution

Magnum Foundation gave me a platform to work on and document some of the most critical issues that have not received the attention they deserve. When the space for in-depth photojournalism is shrinking in the mainstream media, it’s up to organizations like MF to help tell stories that matter.
— Showkat Nanda, Kashmir

Magnum Foundation is fostering the next generation of imagemakers, whose diverse voices and visions fill an urgent need for empathy in our polarized public discourse. Mentorship, production assistance, and other critical support is made possible by donations from friends and partners like you.

Click Here to Donate


keeps our grant and fellowship applications free of charge 



supports public programming with our global network of photographers



pairs a mentor with an emerging photographer



sponsors a grantee’s editorial assignment on a critical issue



helps underwrite a fellowship for a community-based visual storyteller

Photography and Social Justice Fellows at the Magnum Foundation office

Photography and Social Justice Fellows at the Magnum Foundation office

A public installation on sanctuary and migration in collaboration with For Freedoms at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

A public installation on sanctuary and migration in collaboration with For Freedoms at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Grantees and mentors of the Arab Documentary Photography Program

Grantees and mentors of the Arab Documentary Photography Program