A Message from the Magnum Foundation


On the statement calling for collective accountability against sexual harassment in photography: we commend its authors, many of whom we are proud to know as grantees of Magnum Foundation and as leaders paving a path toward a more equitable industry. 

We uphold the values reflected in the statement in the ongoing work we do to support image makers in creating models for ethical practice and impactful storytelling. As a team of women and non-binary individuals, we honor the courage that it takes to speak up and the hard work that change demands. In the spirit of shared commitment, we take this opportunity to amplify the critical questions posed by our grantees and colleagues. 

We recognize and support the work that Magnum photographers are committed to doing to further accountability and create lasting structural change within their own organization. For our part, Magnum Foundation will continue to bring together the breadth of collective knowledge and experience needed to enact field-wide transformation. We extend our gratitude to everyone taking up this mission.

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